Gifts : 6 types of Hofmann album to give away on Mother’s Day

Approaches the Mother’s Day And, this time, we will prepare in advance a gift with which to enjoy a lifetime, one made of memories. Nothing like photos to excite, remember and enjoy our mothers. A printed photo album will be one of the most beautiful memories we can make to gather in one place the most endearing moments of a life.

With Hofmann it is easy to create an album or photo book with the help of its program, in which you can select your favorite photos or phrases, in the most attractive way possible and 100% adapted to your mom’s personality. There are different possibilities to make our mother’s day album, and these are just some of them:

1. Phrase album

We can use childhood photos, funny photos, including phrases from your mother from day to day, phrases of affection, a message or a dedication that we want to say to our mother and we would like it to be reflected in our gift.

2. Storybook album

album photos mama

It is an easy way to create your stories with your memories in book form, capturing a story full of tender moments and good memories through your photos. The only thing you have to decide are the photos you want to put on it.

3. For traveling moms

traveling mom

We can also collect photos and memories of some one travel from our mother and present it to her in book form. Surprise her with this travel album.

4. Recipe book

grandmother photo album

Another idea for a photo album for Mother’s Day is a photo book with the richest recipes of your mother and give it to her so that you have captured the family dishes and that they serve as inspiration for your family reunions and your day to day.

5. The grandchildren’s album

grandchildren photo album

If your mom is already a grandmother, surely she will be very excited to have this album. The births of her grandchildren And the photos you share with them can be accompanied by sentences from the children, their drawings, etc.

6. Time travel

old photo album

Another idea to prepare a photo album may be to retrieve old pictures and scan them to create an album full of memories: a wedding, a birth, our childhood etc.

In all the options we can add photos, texts, phrases, everything we can think of to give affection to our photo album. It will be a nice touch for our moms and a gift that will last over time. As you can see, there are a thousand ideas to give a unique and personal album to our mothers, and create a totally special and different gift than what we can find in any store. It will be a detail that will last over time and full of emotions and affection.

If you want to learn how to make your own album from the Hofmann Free Program, we show you how here:

Choose and start creating your photo album

The post 6 types of Hofmann album to give away Mother’s Day appeared first on Blog Hofmann.


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